Monday, May 27, 2024

Baby Boomers 2022

 This battle was over on September 15 2008

The US dollar collapsed under George W. Bush on September 15 2008, they called it the housing equities bubble ( IN 2008 ) it was the first step in removing the green back as the world's reserve currency. King dollar has not been King Dollar for fifteen years.

They are going to bring the value of US treasuries to ZERO and when they do that this all comes to an END.

The END of the USA.

This present population just sat back and watched fifteen years of it's failed leaderships print them into a thirty five trillion dollar grave.

The United States Constitution has been VOID Since September 15 2008.


The United States has not existed since September 15 2008.

The Baby boomers are dying, the reverse mortgages are taking the estates, their sons are becoming their daughters, their daughters are becoming their sons. They are not reproducing.

You just watched a government foreclose on its population's homes and bail out the bankers. They gave Bern Bernanke the green light to print Eighty Five Billion Dollars in treasuries a month for Five years to pump up this faux market, while corporations like black rock bought Forty Four Thousand Foreclosed Homes at a time for a Dime on a Dollar so economists could tell the Amerikan people there was an upswing in housing.

Thirty Five Trillion Dollars in Debt they have No Intention of paying. Your Government has Failed You.
The US Dollar Died on September 15 2008 under George W. Bush. The Constitution has been VOID since that same day. Now you are fifteen years older, and your population fifteen years further down the road to Implosion.

Remove the US dollar as the world's reserve currency with Thirty Five Trillion dollars of unpayable debt and what do you get?
Surrounded in your homeland hooked on drugs with your guns aimed at one another.

Fifty States in Flames.

One Thousand times Thirty Five Billion Equals Thirty Five Trillion. 
Thirty Five Trillion. 

What You are Presently Experiencing is the Bankrupting, Collapse Re-population of what was Formerly the USA.

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