This was written in 2016
The people you thought you were Bombing
Are in your backyard...
They left their guns in Yemen
They left them in Iraq
They Left them in Benghazi when they turned their back
They left them in Afghanistan and Ran RanRan Away.
They littered the world with their weapons and dead soldiers,
Their Sons and their Daughters, Brothers and their Sisters
and now they have none.
But ThOOOOooose People from ISIS and
Islamic extremists give a hardy thank You
To Uncle Sam because they love those
Abandoned Amerikan Machine guns,
they love those Hummers and Jeeps
Armored trucks and tanks
They are giving Allah the thanks for those abandoned
Apachi Helicopters
MacHinE GunS ---
MaChiNe gUnS ----
MacHinE GunS ------
Ratta Tatt Tatt Tattt In your Homeland
Ratta Tatt Tatt Tatt on Your Street !
They Just love them
Can't get enough of them
They Love them
They want some more of them
They just Love those Abandoned Amerikan
Machine GunS ---
Machine GunS ------
Machine GunS ------
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