Monday, May 27, 2024

One Thousand Times One Billion 2022

One Thousand Times One Thousand is One Million.
One thousand time one Million is One Billion.
One Thousand times one Billion is One Trillion.

Thirty Five Trillion Divided by Three Hundred and Fifty Million Equals One Hundred Thousand Dollars in debt for every Man, Woman Trans-Man, Trans-woman, Queer Person and Child that is a Citizen of the USA.

Remove the US Dollar as the world's Reserve Currency with  over Thirty Trillion Dollars worth of unpayable debt and what do you get? 
A nation of People that have become surrounded in their homeland, Hooked on Drugs with their guns aimed at one another. 

What You have been, are and will continue to be experiencing is the collapse of the USA. 
Are you Prepared to fight this war in what used to be your country? 

One Thousand times Thirty Five Billion Equals Thirty Five Trillion.

At the end of Bill Clinton's term Six Trillion Plus.
At the end of George W. Bush's term Eleven Trillion Plus.
At the end of Obama's term Twenty Trillion plus.
@ the end of the King of Bankruptcy's term
Twenty Eight Trillion and climbing

Presently Thirty Five Trillion and going
Up Up and Away In a Beautiful a Beautiful
BALOON POP ! <3 * & % $ *

They are going to crash the US dollar with over thirty five trillion in debt.
How do you service a thirty five trillion dollar debt with zero?

You forfeit the Real Estate.

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