Monday, May 27, 2024

The Nations are Melting, Specifically the Western Nations

 World Economic Forum, UHNCR, United Nations,  Your Collective Governments and Your Media Outlets.

Proud Sponsor of Global Destabilization and Forcing Populations Across Your Borders.

Assad did it when he supposedly tank bombed his own people.

Maduro president of Venezuela did it when He put his own people out of work and onto the streets starving.

Joe Biden did it when he retreated from and left myriads of weaponry in the Afghanistan.

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated at his private home sending Haitians across the Mexican US Border, How the hell did they even get to the US Border.
I do not think they swam.

Putin is doing it when he his bombing Ukraine knowing that no one will send soldiers only weapons.


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